The kind of loans offered are the following:
- Salary Loan
- Salary loans can be availed by employees for any purpose, and disbursed to the employees bank or e-wallet for flexible use
- Wellness Financing
- Wellness financing is designed to fund productive use for investment in employees health and education
- First Circle can pay directly to the institution or to the employees account
- Borrowers may avail of the Wellness Financing loan to benefit family members within the first degree of consanguinity (next of kin)
- Additional fields in the application form:
- Name of beneficiary
- Relationship to borrower — dropdown menu, limited to only the following: Parent, Child & Spouse
- Accepted categories are below, and First Circle reserves its final discretion on the loans applied for:
- Learning - Books
- Learning - Seminars, Conferences, Etc.
- Learning - Formal Education & Tuition Fees
- Learning - Skills Training
- Health and Wellness - Doctors’ Consultation
- Health and Wellness - Treatments, Procedures, etc
- Health and Wellness - Medicines
- Health and Wellness - Gym / Sports Memberships
- Health and Wellness - Fitness Equipment
- The employee has to provide a supporting document, which can be an invoice, official receipt or signed schedule of fees. In most cases it should be under the name of the employee who is applying, however this also can be for family members within the first degree of consanguinity
- This product is to fund current spending, so we expect the OR (Official Receipt) to be within the last month.
- Salary Loan