Your credit line will be locked once your outstanding balance has reached 75% of your overall total credit line. This is to ensure that as your financial partner in business, we are able to guide you on the healthy usage of your credit line with us.
You may use your credit line again, once you have paydown 50% of your current outstanding balance. Please note that you may use 100% of your credit line at once, but can only use 75% max incrementally.
If you have a rescheduled loan plan, this might also be the cause why you are unable to draw your funds. Please see conditions below for rescheduled payments:
- If your rescheduled loan plan is a bullet loan plan (one-time payment), you may still draw funds for as long as your credit line is not locked.
- If your rescheduled loan plan is for an amortizing loan plan, you need to settle the rescheduled amortization/repayment first in order for you to be able to draw funds again.
- If your rescheduled loan plan is a restructured loan plan, you need to settle 50% of the your total principal balance in order for you to be able to draw funds again.
Should you need further clarification, please contact your Relationship Manager or our Repayments Team by dialing our hotline number 8580-3200.