After signing the loan offer, the next step is to submit a post dated cheque (PDC).
Step 1: Submit a post dated cheque (PDC)
After signing the loan offer, you will be asked to submit a post dated cheque (PDC).
- Proceed to your personal e-mail address.
- Check your inbox and open the e-mail with the subject: Action Required: First Circle Loan Documents for Signature & Next Steps
- Please take note that the bank account indicated on your cheque will be the one that we will be using to disburse the funds.
- Instructions are already provided on the e-mail. Kindly follow the instructions and use the details provided.
Make sure that your signature on the cheque matches the signature on your IDs. Once done, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Submit your cheques to
- Kindly provide the Issuing Bank for the cheque. List of serviceable banks can be seen here.
- Reply to the e-mail and ensure that your cheque photos are attached to the e-mail.
- Click send in order for the Operations Executive to receive the photos of your cheque
Step 3: Cheque collection
- Once your cheque has been uploaded and verified, a delivery courier will pick-up the cheque at your location if your business address is within our serviceable regions. You may refer to this article: List of Serviceable Areas for Cheque Pick-Up
- An Operations Executive will contact you to confirm your preferred time and location for the cheque pick-up.
- The cheque cut-off is before 4:30 pm. We can still accept cheques beyond that time but it will be processed the next day.
Kindly bear in mind that the disbursement and transfer of funds takes two (2) business days from the day that the cheque was collected. If you were not able to receive the funds within two (2) business days, kindly contact Customer Support.