Yes, you can pay back early and there are no penalties or charges for early repayment. Interest is calculated on a daily basis, so you will even pay less.
Inform your Account Manager not less than five (5) business days before your repayment date. The Repayments Team will reach out to you to recompute the loan amount, provide necessary details, and the step-by-step process for a successful early repayment.
Early repayment can be made through direct deposit or you can issue us a new check that contains the new repayment date and amount.
For direct deposit payments: E-mail the deposit slip to your Account Manager so they can process your rescheduling request.
For new cheque issuance: Please contact you Account Manager or Relationship Manager to request for a check pick-up.
*Rebates on interest will apply depending on the amount paid and loan type as calculated by our Repayments Team.